Exponential field

In mathematics, an exponential field is a field that has an extra operation on its elements which extends the usual idea of exponentiation.



A field is an algebraic structure composed of a set of elements, F, and two operations, addition ('+') and multiplication ('·'), such that the set of elements forms an abelian group under both operations with identities 0F and 1F respectively, and such that multiplication is distributive over addition, that is for any elements a, b, c in F, one has a · (b + c) = (a · b) + (a · c). If there is also a function E that maps F into F, and such that for every a and b in F one has

\begin{align}&E(a%2Bb)=E(a)\cdot E(b),\\
&E(0_F)=1_F \end{align}

then F is called an exponential field, and the function E is called an exponential function on F.[1] Thus an exponential function on a field is a homomorphism from the additive group of F to its multiplicative group.


There is a trivial exponential function on any field, that is the map E that sends every element to 1F, the identity element of the field under multiplication. Thus every field is trivially also an exponential field, so the cases of interest to mathematicians occur when the exponential function is non-trivial.

1=E(0)=E(\underbrace{x%2Bx%2B\ldots%2Bx}_{p\text{ of these}})=E(x)E(x)\cdots E(x)=E(x)^p.

Hence, taking into account the Frobenius endomorphism,


And so E(x) = 1 for every x. For this reason, exponential fields are sometimes required to have characteristic zero.[3]

When the field does have characteristic zero then there can be non-trivial exponential functions.

Open problems

Exponential fields are a much-studied object in model theory, occasionally providing a link between it and number theory as in the case of Zilber's work on Schanuel's conjecture. It was proved in the 1990s that Rexp is model complete, a result known as Wilkie's theorem. This result, when combined with Khovanskiĭ's theorem on pfaffian functions, proves that Rexp is also o-minimal.[6] On the other hand it is known that Cexp is not model complete.[7] The question of decidability is still unresolved. Alfred Tarski posed the question of the decidability of Rexp and hence it is now known as Tarski's exponential function problem. It is known that if the real version of Schanuel's conjecture is true then Rexp is decidable.[8]

See also


  1. ^ Helmut Wolter, Some results about exponential fields (survey), Mémoires de la S.M.F. 2e série, 16, (1984), pp.85–94.
  2. ^ a b Lou van den Dries, Exponential rings, exponential polynomials and exponential functions, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 113, no.1 (1984), pp.51–66.
  3. ^ Martin Bays, Jonathan Kirby, A.J. Wilkie, A Schanuel property for exponentially transcendental powers, (2008), arXiv:0810.4457
  4. ^ Boris Zilber, Pseudo-exponentiation on algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic, 132, no.1 (2005), pp.67–95.
  5. ^ Giuseppina Terzo, Some Consequences of Schanuel's Conjecture in Exponential Rings, Communications in Algebra, Volume 36, Issue 3 (2008), pp.1171–1189.
  6. ^ A.J. Wilkie, Model completeness results for expansions of the ordered field of real numbers by restricted Pfaffian functions and the exponential function, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 9 (1996), pp.1051–1094.
  7. ^ David Marker, A remark on Zilber's pseudoexponentiation, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 71, no.3 (2006), pp.791–798.
  8. ^ A.J. Macintyre, A.J. Wilkie, On the decidability of the real exponential field, Kreisel 70th Birthday Volume, (2005).